• Our Teachers

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    Ms. Loh

    Specialist in PSLE Math
    • Former School Teacher
    • Over 20 Years' Teaching Experience
    • Graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Math, and a Diploma in Education from NIE
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    Ms. Isabel

    Specialist in PSLE Math
    • Graduated with a Bachelor Degree from NUS and PGDE from NIE
    • Former School Teacher
    • Specialised in teaching School and Competition Math
      10 years of teaching experience
    • Singapore Math Olympiad Gold Winner
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    Ms. Hannah

    Specialist in PSLE Math
    • Graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Economics (Honours)
    • Graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Honours)
    • Former Nanyang Scholar
    • 3 years of teaching experience

    Ms. Li Ai

    Specialist in PSLE Math
    • Graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree (First Class Honors) in Engineering from Imperial College London
    • Former Straight-As Student in Math and Further Math
    • 5 years of tutoring experience